Golda Meir

“Don’t be humble. You’re not that great.”

Golda Meir
1898 - 1978
Prime Minister of Israel

It’s great to have a high opinion of yourself.
A strong self-image is healthy.

Just make sure the confidence in you is well-placed.

Each of us have talents that differ from one another.
Since it’s impossible to know everything about everything,
Try to become skilled in one or two specific areas.

Today, the half-life of any knowledge is now four years or less.
In other words, if you are not learning, you are falling behind.

To be the best in your field requires effort.
Find your area of interest and strive to be an expert in that subject.

Doing so increases your value to the world.
Even more importantly, it increases your value to others and yourself.

Yours in achieving your personal best . . .


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