Steve Jobs

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.  They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”

Steve Jobs
1966 - 2011
Businessman, Visionary, Pioneered Personal Computers, Co-Founder of Apple, Inc.

Steve Jobs provided us with more than the Apple Computer,
The Mac, the iPod, the iPad, iTunes, Toy Story and so much more.

His achievements have forever changed our lives.
He’s a good reminder that what we achieve or fail to achieve
Not only impacts our lives but influences the lives of others as well.

Steve showed us how to live passionately.
He showed us how to dream.
And how to convert dreams into reality.

Today, inside you, there is a dream struggling to be born.
It’s your dream and only you can bring that dream to life.

Like Steve, find the courage to follow your heart.
Don’t be afraid to be led by your intuition.

Choose to become who you were meant to be.

Yours in achieving your personal best . . .


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