Lillian Hellman

"I like people who refuse to speak until they are ready to speak."

Lillian Hellman
(Photo Source: NPR)
1905 - 1984
American Playwright

We all know people who listen, speak
And then think

They're the ones not paying attention to what others are saying.
Having their turn to share their thoughts overrides all else.

Perhaps, it's the pace we live that encourages this type of behavior.
Speak now or forever hold your peace.

So we speak.  Share what's on our mind.
Later we might consider the consequences of our words.

Words are powerful.  They can motivate us.  They can tear us down.
They can unite us or they can divide us.

And when we speak with others, they can reflect our wisdom and caring
Or they can reveal us for the fools we are.

Yours in achieving your personal best . . .


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