Debbi Fields


"The important thing is not to be afraid to take a chance.  Remember, the greatest failure is not to try."

Debbi Fields
(Photo source: INC Magazine)
1956 - 
Founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies, Cookbook Author

You know what it is.
It's in the back of your mind behind a lot of excuses.

It's "the dream."

Maybe it's going back to school or the next promotion at work.
Unfortunately, that dream is labeled "Someday."

Of course, you know that someday won't magically happen.
It's up to you to make that dream a reality.

Start today by taking the first step.
Tomorrow and the days ahead take a few more steps.

Your worst failure in life is in never trying.

Do what you were always meant to do.
Live the dream!

Yours in achieving your personal best . . .


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