Margaret Bonnano

“It’s only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis.”

Margaret Bonnano
1950 - 2021
Science Fiction Author
Wrote Many of the Star Trek Books

The past is gone.  Don’t live in it.
Learn from it and then move on.

The future is not guaranteed.
All you really have is now.  This minute.
So, choose to live in that moment.

Filling your days with “should haves” or “maybe somedays”
Is counterproductive and offers you little peace of mind.

Find your happiness in the moments that 
Have been given to you right now.

You have a limited number of days in your life.
You’ll never get these moments back.

Stop wishing or waiting for your life to be perfect.
Find the joy in what you already have.

Yours in achieving your personal best . . .


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