Anthony Burgess

“Laugh and the world laughs with you. Snore and you sleep alone.”

Anthony Burgess
1917 - 1993
English Author, Poet, Playwright

You’re not perfect.  Like the rest of us, you have flaws.
Maybe it’s an odd-shaped nose or a poorly placed wart.
And yes, maybe loud snoring is involved.

So what?

Don’t waste time comparing.
It’s good to learn from others, but don’t allow your life 
to get bogged down in envy.

There’s poison in that type of thinking.

You are one of a kind and an essential part of a Master Plan.
You are a part of this world for a reason.

See the beauty of who you are.
Let your strengths outshine any weakness.

The truth is, you are just enough the way you are.

Yours in achieving your personal best . . .


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