Adrienne Gusoff

“Living in a vacuum sucks.”

Adrienne Gusoff
Freelance Writer, Humorist, Motivational Speaker

Sometimes, it might be tempting to choose 
A life in isolation.

No people.  No annoyances.  No problems.
A world all to yourself.

Attractive as that may appear at times, it’s not.
Why do you suppose solitary confinement is a punishment?

No one can be an island onto themselves.
We are all stitched to each other with invisible threads.

And we need to feel that connection.

There can be no greater sorrow than to be sad and alone.
No greater feeling of emptiness than to experience
Something wonderful and have no one to tell.

Robinson Crusoe had Friday.  Even The Lone Ranger had Tonto.  
The best path to happiness is always one that is shared with another.

Yours in achieving your personal best . . .


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