Abe Lincoln

“My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.”

Abe Lincoln
1809 - 1865
16th President of the United States

Some of the most successful men and women have failed.
Many, many, many times.

Abe Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Marie Curie, Ben Franklin
The Wright brothers. . . . .  The list is endless.

Still, each was successful because they were flexible.
Flexible in what they wanted to accomplish.
And flexible in the methods they chose to reach their dreams.

You are no different.
Whatever you choose to focus on, you can achieve.

Sure, roadblocks will happen.  Just take a deep breath.
Then take another.

Find the determination to never quit.  To never give up.
With that as your fuel, literally anything is possible!

Yours in achieving your personal best . . .


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