“Nobody ever forgets where he buried the hatchet.”
Frank McKinney “Kin” Hubbard
1868 - 1930
Creator of the cartoon “Abe Martin of Brown County”
Which ran in newspapers 1904-1930. A journalist
That Will Rogers repeatedly called “America’s greatest humorist.”
How easy it is to say I’m sorry.
But to forgive someone and move on
That’s the hallmark of a mature individual.
Vengeance. Trying to even the score festers poison inside.
Too often, it’s not the act that does the damage.
It’s replaying the incident over and over in your mind.
That’s what hurts you.
Hard as it may be, let it go.
Learn from any mistake that might have been made.
See where the situation could be avoided in the future.
Then . . . let it go. Move on.
Be the first to apologize even though it was not your fault.
Forgive. Forget and you’ll be far better off.
Yours in achieving your personal best . . .