Erma Bombeck

“The only reason I would take up jogging is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.”

Erma Bombeck
1927 - 1996
Newspaper Columnist, Author

It’s your most valuable asset.
In fact, it’s so valuable that if it severely malfunctions,
Life, as you know it, is over.


Of course, we are talking about your body.
It’s so critical for your survival.  Yet, so often ignored.

Investing in your body requires so little of your time.
Just 20 to 30 minutes a day, and you’re on the road to better health.

For the little effort, there is so much to be gained.
Exercise improves your ability to think.
Your ability to move about, your emotional well-being.

Exercise even opens you up for higher levels of spirituality.

Simply put, if you continue to sit idle,
You’re pressing more than your back pockets.

You’re pressing your luck.

Yours in achieving your personal best . . .


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