Walter Winchell

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”

Walter Winchell
1897 - 1972
Newspaper and Radio Commentator

It doesn’t matter what you own.
A fancy car.  A luxurious home. Or a well-padded bank account.

Those are meaningless if you lack one thing in your life.
A friend.

A friend encourages you to be more than you allow yourself to be.
A friend will hold the mirror so you can see who you really are.
The good.  The bad.  But never the ugly.

A friend celebrates your victories and helps bear your burdens.

But to have a friend, you must be a friend.
One cannot exist without the other.

There’s someone in your life that really matters to you.
You know who that is.

Find a way, in the next few minutes, to let them know
How much you care.

Yours in achieving your personal best . . .


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