Lou Holtz

"Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity."

Lou Holtz
(Photo source: New York Times)
1937 -
Author, Motivational Speaker, Former Football Coach

Take a good look at how successful your are.
Look at all you have accomplished thus far.

Just to list a few, you learned to walk, ride a bike, drive a car, read, write.
You mastered the skills needed to hold a job.

Not one of those accomplishments happened without mistakes
Without a few disappointments and setbacks.

The truth is, you can do anything.  Anything at all.
But first you must choose to do it
And then be unflinching in your passion to succeed.

Those that are most successful in life
Are not the ones that make the fewest mistakes.

More often than not, they are those that have experienced the most defeats,
the most disappointments, the most mistakes.  

The difference is that they never stopped trying.  Never.
It has been their unwillingness to quit that has made their impossible dream possible.

Learn from your mistakes.  Get back up and try again.  Your dreams are calling.  
You were born to be you.  And the world hungers for your contributions.

Yours in achieving your personal best . . .


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