Gracie Allen

"When I was born, I was so surprised that I didn’t talk for a year and a half."

Gracie Allen
1895 - 1964
Radio and TV Actress, Comedian, Singer

Gracie Allen was married to George Burns and performed on radio and TV.
She developed one of the first “Ditzy Blonde” roles in show biz.

In reality, Gracie was extremely intelligent and used her talents to touch millions.

We all have been given unique gifts in life.
And there’s a funny thing about those gifts
That we often fail to understand.

The more you give talents away to others
The more valuable they become.

What skills and talents do you have?
How can you use those to make life better for someone else?

Sow all the good that you possess, and you will find
It will be harvested over a hundred-fold.

Yours in achieving your personal best . . .


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