Robin Williams

“You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.”

Robin Williams
1951 - 2014
Actor, Comedian

It’s a spark of madness . . .
The willingness to think beyond convention.
In turn, that type of thinking can advance our world.

How crazy was Galileo? Or Madame Curie?
Or any others that broke with old ways of thought?

It’s not a fluke that you were born
And are now living in this point in history.

There’s something very special about you.
That uniqueness should never be ignored or sacrificed.

The world doesn’t need you to be 
an imitation of someone else.

It needs you!

Have the strength and courage to he
Who you were meant to be.

A little spark of madness and all.

Yours in achieving your personal best . . .


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