Wisdom of Others
I believe in the power of thinking positive and find the internet seems to be overly negative. This page is to underscore how great our lives could be when we strive to be our personal best, not only for ourselves but for our community.

“Living in a vacuum sucks.”
Adrienne Gusoff
Freelance Writer, Humorist, Motivational Speaker
Sometimes, it might be tempting to choose A life in isolation. No people. No annoyances. No problems. A ...

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”
Walter Winchell
1897 - 1972
Newspaper and Radio Commentator
It doesn’t matter what you own. A fancy car. A luxurious home. Or a well-padded bank account. Those are ...

“Procrastination gives you something to look forward to.”
Joan Konner
1931 - 2018
Professor Emerita and Dean Emerita
Columbia University
Graduate School of Journalism
If you’re not achieving what you had hoped to achieve, What’s holding you back is most likely you. If ...

“If you were happy every day of your life, you wouldn’t be a human being. You’d be a game show host.”
Gabriel Heatter
1890 – 1972
Radio Commentator
You’re human. With humanity comes a wide spectrum of emotions. Never deny the feelings you own. Just don ...

“An optimist laughs to forget. A pessimist forgets to laugh.”
Quote from Unknown Source
Half full. Half empty. The glass is still the same. Most of the things that disturb us most Are not the ...

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”
Dr. Seuss
1904 - 1991
Author and Artist
The old year is gone. And so, life goes on. One mile marker is passed as another quickly approaches ...

“My New Year’s Resolution list usually starts with the desire to lose between ten and three thousand pounds.”
Nia Vardalos
1962 – Present
Canadian Actress, Screenwriter
Do you have what you really want out of life? Or are you settling for a life that’s good enough? Do you ...

“Instant gratification is not soon enough.”
Meryl Streep
1949 – Present
We want it all. And we want it now. But the one thing that we rarely seek is patience. How often do we ...

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”
Oprah Winfrey
1954 –
TV Host, Actress, Author
It’s a new year. Make it your best year ever! To make this the best year ever . . . Think small. Focus ...

“A year from now, you’re gonna weigh more or less than what you do right now.”
Dr. Phillip McGraw
1950 – Present
TV Host, Author, Psychologist
This year, are you listing the same New Year’s Resolutions? The same resolutions from last year and the ...